ODIS 5.1.6 For VAS 5054A/6154 Installation Guide

How to Install ODIS 5.1.6 For Vag Diagnostic & Programming?

Emily Luo
5 min readApr 15, 2020

ODIS 5.1.6 software work with VAS 5054A & VAS 6154 from vxdas.com, ODIS 5.1.6 software is free to offer come with VAS 5054a & VAS 6154, ODIS work with Geko accounts for online programming for Audi, VW, Skoda, Seat. ODIS. Below our client, Atrus share ODIS 5.1.6 installation guide for our followers’ references.

Thanks for Atrus kindly sharing.

Installing ODIS 5.1.6 from DVDs provided from VXDAS — Atrus’ Notes

The following notes assume a 64bit version of Windows 7 is the starting point. Installation for 32bit would be only slightly different.

I purchase the VAS 5054a from VXDAS.COM, the package comes with the disk contains an installation video provided by VXDAS for a prior version of ODIS.


Here are a few notes on it:

- All in Russian so need to count positions up/down in context menus to know what is being selected.

- He is loading onto a Virtual Machine of Windows so it contains some changes to the license file that did not apply to my native Win7 OS.

- Some preconditions shown do not apply (VMWARE, Microsoft Studio… definitely do not. Adobe Acrobat/Microsoft Net framework may be in package but I installed myself just in case.)


00. Preconditions:

- Install WinRAR (I have copy in library)

- Download Adobe Acrobat DC installation exe (Windows 7 version) and Run as Administrator

- Download and install Microsoft NET Framework (This and Adobe Reader might be included in the installation.?.)

- If Laptop does not have Bluetooth built-in then plug in dongle provided by VXDAS and let the driver install

- Move all files from DVDs to large USB drive and expand using WinRAR. Delete original rar files.

01. Windows Update

- I installed both 64bit packages but both said they were already present.

- Restart laptop

Extra Step — Revise License File

- Per video, comment out all platforms except for “Audi” and “VW”. This significantly reduces install time and number of files loaded.

- This is the ONLY change I made

Extra Step — Unicode

- I did nothing like this

02. OffboardDiagSetup-Service_VWMCD_5_1_6-B51_6_0_10

- Run as Administrator

- “English”

- [Next]

- [Next] {Select a Target Folder — 64bit system}

- [Next] {Target directory for diagnostics components — leave alone}

- [Next] {Target Platform — leave alone}

- [Next] {Diagnostic Interface — leave as “VAS 5054”}

- [Next] {Bluetooth Interface…}

- [Search] for modified license file, [Open], leave Copy license box selected, [Next]

- [Next] Start menu folder selection — leave alone

- [Finish]

03. Launcer+license+plugins

- Note: license already installed

- Copy “OffboardDiagLauncher” from 03.Laucer… directory provided over file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service

- Copy “de.volkswagen.odis.vaudas.launcher….” from 03.Laucer…\plugins directory provided over file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service\plugins

- Delete ODIS Service Diagnostic Interface Configuration from desktop

- Restart laptop

04. Patch

- Note: video does not include this step but I did it anyway. I think video does it manually later so I did both I guess…

- Note: file is not to be expanded although it may show as a WinRAR

- Right click on 64 bit version and Run as Administrator

- Restart laptop

05. PostSetup_89.5.30

- Free up as much disk space as possible if smaller harddrive especially if the installation files were loaded directly to hard drive instead of using a USB drive.

- “OffboardDiagSetup…” executable,

- “03.Launcer.” directory,

- “04. Patch” directory,

- Empty Trash.

- Rename Shortcut on desktop to “ODIS-Service 5.1.6”

- Rt-click on ODIS-Service 5.1.6 and Run as Administrator

- [Select Local Directory], point it at un-RAR’d “05.PostSetup_89.5.30” folder, [OK], [Right Arrow]

- Check box for English(US) and German(not sure but might need) [Right Arrow]

- If license file is correct, should show just Audi and VW for Diagnostic Data, [Right Arrow]

- LONNNGGGG wait — don’t get impatient — at about 85% bar barely moves for some time (set cursor on it to see)

- Restart laptop

06. Setting up the VAS5054A Tool

- Right-click on “ODIS-Service 5.1.6” shortcut on desktop, Run as Administrator

- Scroll down to bottom of warnings, [OK]

- Open “Release Notes” window on desktop, uncheck box, [OK]

- [Admin]

- General → Brand Design

- Open pulldown and select “Dynamic”

- [Save]

- [Yes]

- “General” tab → Update

- select “On specific weekdays” radio buttom

- check box for Monday

- [Save]

- [Yes]

- close app

- “Info” (on rt side)

- scroll down to “Versions”

- Power up VAS5054A hardware module

- I used power supply so could work on bench

- Pin4,5 — Ground

- Pin16–12v

- In desktop tray click on Bluetooth logo

- Add a Device

- Select VAS5054 module, [Next]

- “Enter the device’s pairing code”

- “082145725”

-”Start” → “All Programs”

- Softing D-PDU API for VCIs V1.20.042 → EDIC Hardware Installation

- [Add EDIC]

- select “VAS5054”

- [OK]

- [OK]

- select “COM3:…”

- [OK]

- {VAS5054 module stops the annoying beeping}

- [OK]

- [Close]

-”Start” → “All Programs”

- Softing D-PDU API for VCIs V1.20.042 → Softing D-PDUAPI Test Application

- “Select PDU-API Version” pulldown


- [Parse MDF File]

- wait until VAS5054 populates in “Select MVCI Module”

- [PDUModuleConnect]

- wait until “Select Protocol” populates

- [Exit]

…not sure folowing ODIS section needs to be done but doesn’t hurt…

- Right-click on “ODIS-Service 5.1.6” shortcut on desktop, Run as Administrator

- Scroll down to bottom of warnings, [OK]

- Open “Release Notes” window on desktop, uncheck box, [OK]

- “Extras” (on rt side)

- scroll down to “Diagnostic Interface”

- [Change VCI]

- don’t check box, [Cancel]

- [Details]

- [OK]

- [OK]

- close ODIS

- Rename”c:Program Files (x86)\Softing\D-PDU API\1.20.042\VeCom\VAS5054" to “…\###VAS5054_orig”

- Copy provided VAS5054 directory and paste into “c:Program Files (x86)\Softing\D-PDU API\1.20.042\VeCom”

-”Start” → “All Programs”

- Softing D-PDU API for VCIs V1.20.042 → EDIC Hardware Installation

- Expand “+”

- [OK]

-”Start” → “All Programs”

- Softing D-PDU API for VCIs V1.20.042 → EDIC Configuration Manager

- [Close]

-”Start” → “All Programs”

- Softing D-PDU API for VCIs V1.20.042 → Softing D-PDUAPI Test Application

- “Select PDU-API Version” pulldown


- [Parse MDF File]

- wait until VAS5054 populates in “Select MVCI Module”

- [PDUModuleConnect]

- wait until “Select Protocol” populates

- Verify that PDUConnect did not fail and dates are listed for software in the log

- [Exit]

- Right-click on “ODIS-Service 5.1.6” shortcut on desktop, Run as Administrator

- Scroll down to bottom of warnings, [OK]

- Open “Release Notes” window on desktop, uncheck box, [OK]

- Close app

-Revert VAS5054 file back to the original one.


Note that I had a problem getting PDUConnect to succeed. I originally skipped some of the final steps that seemed of no value so I added them in just in case they were tickling something non-obvious. I also powered the unit on/off and removed it from within the EDIC configuration manager and then added it back in. Something fixed my problem that was not obvious.

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Emily Luo
Emily Luo

Written by Emily Luo

Whatsapp: +8613728823411 Professional car diagnostic tool & solutions, service to all workshop, car DIYer Website: www.vxdas.com?emily

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